April 24, 2015
Boat ramp keys are the property of the Twin Isles Property Owner’s Association.
There is a one key per residence policy. Further defined, if an owner has multiple residences the owner of the property may obtain one key per residence.
A renter may not obtain a boat ramp key.
If a lot owner does not have a residence in Twin Isles one key may be issued to the lot owner.
If the owner has multiple lots only one key will be issued.
If multiple owners (separate immediate family) own one or more lots a key can be issued to each owner.
Annual dues must be current before a key will be issued or a replacement key is issued.
Key deposit fees:
The first key is $25. If the key is lost the owner may obtain a replacement key for a $25 deposit.
A second replacement key is a $50 deposit
A third replacement key is a $75 deposit.
After an owner is issued a fourth key the Board will decide upon the cost to replace the key.